Israel-Hamas “war” – another excuse to shut down free speech
Kit Knightly

As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into tighter controls on free speech and freedom of expression, both in person and on the internet.
The headlines have been filled with nothing but Israel and Hamas since the “surprise attack” on Saturday, with the predictable back and forth of historical grievances and accusations of racism, punctuated by unsubstantiated claims of atrocities.
“Atrocity Propaganda” is nothing new. It is the opening salvo of every war as state combatants try to win the public to their side.
For example, the totally unsubstantiated claim that Hamas “threw forty Jewish babies out of their cribs and beheaded them”, which was doing the rounds yesterday. As far as atrocity propaganda goes the claim is startling in its unoriginality (Nayirah anyone?)
There’s a lot of that right now, lurid claims of graphic and pointless violence directed against the innocent, most of which survives just long enough to cause some outrage before being “debunked” or walked-back.
Part of that is the general “fog of war”, heightened by the advent of social media. When a lot of people can talk a lot more is said (good and bad).
But there’s another interpretation: That fake war stories are being intentionally seeded onto social media and then “debunked” to discredit platforms and appear to justify digital censorship.
Within the past twenty-four hours Reuters, NBC, YahooNews, The Guardian and the AP have run stories criticising the proliferation of “fake war news” on social media. Al Jazeera joined in too.
Almost all of those accusations have been directed solely at Twitter/X – increasingly the media’s anti-free speech strawman.
Governments have not been quiet on the issue either, with the European Union reportedly “warning” Elon Musk there would be “penalties” for the spread of war-related “misinformation” on his platform.
It’s not just “misinformation” either, but also “hate”. In an unusually subtle headline, NBCNews warns of the “increasingly fraught nature of online speech”. USA Today is more on the nose, claiming “online hate” is “surging”.
Oh, and there are the “unregulated” sites to worry about, where terrorists allegedly upload violent videos, at least so the New York Times says:
Hamas Seeds Violent Videos on Sites With Little Moderation”
It’s not hard to see where this leads.
And while “misinformation” is used to justify social media censorship, “safety” is used to justify shutting down freedom of assembly.
In the UK and US pro-Palestinian rallies were met with calls for the police to get involved, citing laws that outlaw the public support of “listed terrorist organizations”.
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman has told the police that waving a Palestinian flag could be considered a crime. Metropolitan police are engaging in “reassurance patrols”.
In France the police are already more directly involved, shutting down a pro-Palestine demonstration.
…and people applauded.
Many of them the same voices who railed against tyranny in defending the Canadian truckers or anti-lockdown protests. It is disheartening to see.
In short, the “war” is four days old and is already being used to suppress dissent on the streets and argue against free-speech on the internet.
However the war narrative evolves over there, over here it’s just more of the same.
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Wouldn’t a soldier in a paraglider be a sitting duck? Isn’t Israeli airspace heavily defended?
My 2 cents – we don’t need free speech we need decent governments.
Free speech is never going to save us from a country run by secret societies with secret goals.
Here is an update from The New Atlas further detailing the actual role of Hamas as a tool of American Hegemony sowing chaos into the region.
Horror stories of deliberate murders and attacks against foreign peoples by Hamas serve only one purpose, and that is to turn away support national populations have for Palestinian people by conflating Hamas with all Palestinians. Etc.
It is very hard to believe the general population of Gaza is in support of Hamas considering the very predictable response by Israel with the full throated cheering of the American government and the world at large of the slaughter and tragedy presented as Isreal defending itself. The total destruction of Gaza is the only consequence of an attack into Isreal. What else were they expecting, really? The destruction of Gaza is the goal, and it was planned and engineered by Isreal and America well in advance.
Yes, it is an inside job. Hamas is a tool of American and Israeli intelligence serving their interests.
Most people consuming the mainstream media, the theatre crafted to engineer how the masses perceive and understand the world are clueless to what is going on. The media machine is fully on board with the ethnic cleansing and genocide , pre-planned, and are aiding and abetting this next horrendous crime of war unfolding.
Hamas won the Palestinian elections. Whether or not their elections are like those in NATOstan I can’t say. But bombing Hamas admin office in central Gaza city while flattening entire residential blocks would be like indigenous separatists in Canada carpet bombing Trudeau’s offices in Ottawa…..
As far as I can tell the thing that Hamas has really done is to kill about 71 specialized IDF near the Gaza border and take some IDF hostages without harming civilians in retaliation for the Israeli assault on Al Aqsa mosque and Palestinians on Oct 5.
The babies, the ravers, the paragliders, the thousands of healthy Israeli civilians dead or injured are all fake narrative distractions backed up by theatrical videos, interviews, photos.
Israel is furious that Hamas did what it did without impacting civilians.
Brian is not a specialist in the Middle East. Hamas was helped by Mossad at the start to divide Palestinians but that was over 20 years ago. Watch the Grayzone for more context and nuance. At least Max has actually been to Gaza and spent time there.
They are the only people within Palestine fighting for independence. So I have a hard time believing they are only obedient puppets and nothing else. The evidence does not show that.
I am curious to know if the consequences of their actions were thought out in any meaningful way, if it were a wholly genuine attempt at liberation. It was pretty obvious that the response would be the total destruction of Gaza. The ongoing aftermath of death and destruction, the local residents surviving this shocking tragedy, i am sure, would be not so impressed with these chosen means to the path to freedom.
I ask, again, what were they expecting to happen? Was voting for Hamas a path to Liberation by Suicide? Is that what the people really wanted? Because that is what seems to be happening. Suicide by cop on a massive scale. But really it is an orchestrated genocide employing misdirection and deception.
The bulk of the fighters “fighting for independence” would,most certainly, be unaware of any sinister plan from those calling the shots and rallying them on.
Using fabricated atrocity porn to soften the world to accept and cheer on the genocide of Gaza with the assistance of the mainstream media is not just happening by chance or the good fortune of an unlikely event taken advantage of. It is a planned and choreographed situation much like the roll out of the fake Vax. It all has been carefully war gamed.
There are sinister forces at play in the world.
The claim that Isreal looked aside and let it happen is disingenuous. Even just doing this, at a bare minimum, still makes them very active participants in the plan and pretending innocence does nothing to absolve them of full responsibility in any way. Considering the inception, purpose and usefulness of Hamas over the years in service of Israel and America, the actual command structure would still be in place to this day and now Hamas is currently fulfilling the role of an evil terrorist organisation attacking innocent civilians, and even worse attacking a democracy. Such affronts will not be allowed to continue. Weapons, money and media cover will flood in for as long as it takes to finish them all off. All of them because all Palestinians are Hamas and Hamas is all Palestinians.
And then the gas and oil fields off shore will be developed.
Has this section changed a bit since a few months or is it me.
It’s about globalism not Israel. Israel is just playing its part like Ukraine and Russia and Hamas & the US & China et al.This is about making people forget the real Agenda of global government which they let out the bag in 2020. The “wars” are all theatre. The fakery is on BOTH sides because both sides are the same side. The globalist side. Making their Wag the Dog movies and laughing at us believing them.
Israeli Rabbi to Christians: “You Shouldn’t be Worshipping One Jew, You Should be Worshipping All of Us”
Shot six times in the legs?By terrorists armed with AK47’s? I’m certainly no expert on assault rifles, but wouldn’t such weapons make quite a mess? Surely there would be massive bruising, swelling, inflammation from such wounds? Where are the exit wounds?
Hamas shooting survivor reveals details of massacre
Is that really her dad?
Sorry friends, but I can’t believe this horseshit (imho) for a moment.
The whole video is creepy.
check out a real AK round exit wound (warning graphic)
Thanks ImpObs, an interesting article to refresh the stuff I read a number of years ago when researching the ‘crazy lone gunman’ bullshit.
In the article the wounds are of shots from 150-200m away. The young israeli lady in the (spooky) video interview I posted claimed she was shot from very close range so the bullets would have been travelling faster.
Anyway, we are discussing a scenario that is clearly staged.
Thank you for posting. I really have a lot of doubts about much of what we have been told.Obviously the 40 beheaded babies was a lie, the LA times retracted the story about the raps, etc. This video reminds me of some of the fake shootings they have done here in the US. I’ll copy and share this and ask for feed back from people who know about guns.
This September the Yahoo showed a map at the UN with Palestine obliterated. Those hang gliding and other propaganda videos take time to produce and were probably made a while ago. All we’ve really seen of the Hamas “atrocities” are a bunch of motorcyclists going through a nicely opened section of the concentration camp wall. Hamas officials are not allowed to speak while the ridiculous videos and the lines of “40 babies, 260 ravers and 5,000 missiles” have been pushed on the sheeple 24/7 by MSM. All the rest of the media is highly staged and doesn’t show anything. Meanwhile the death toll in Gaza stands at almost 2,000. over 7,000 injured, hospitals on the brink of collapse, almost 25% of the population is homeless.
All this in only 8 days of carpet bombing a concentration camp. The very existence of how people live in Gaza is already a crime against humanity.
Reuter’s journalists killed and wounded by Israel near or in Southern Lebanon. UN employees killed, Doctors killed. Israel ordering evacution of hospitals in Gaza in two hours….to WHERE???? And why??? They want to bomb the empty hospital for good measure???
This genocide has clearly been planned by Israel for a few years now. I think Yahoo’s precarious political positon meant the plan had to be put into operation right now.
I thought NATO + Zionist colonial project had hit rock bottom in terms of moral depravity with Afghanist, Iraq, Libya, Syria…apparently not.
Good post, I’ve migrated from the Daily Sceptic after having any of my posts that question the official narrative removed by the moderators, this is from the Free Speech Union founder..
Toby Young is a shill..
Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook and Ghazi Hamad of Hamas made a video. It is ignored. Last I checked, their Telegram account is inoperable.
Holy moly, this is a very important video.
The following was the first video presented on opening YouTube. This appears to be a new twist in the agenda behind the “culture war”. It’s about discrediting all objection to Zionist Israel.
People are waking up: the FA, police and BBC have shamed Britain
The New Culture Forum
Premiered 2 hours ago
To the downvoters: are you downvoting my comment, the video, or something else?
If someone has already posted this, I apologize for a repeat performance.
Section Commander of the Gaza Fence: “The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it”. They Let It Happen. The Hamas Attack Was Allowed to Close the Book on Palestine. – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Yes, that fits with the quotes I have from 4 former IDF.
we are all “terrorists” now, or soon anyway….
Whoa, Caitlin Johnstone, acquiescent with the covid horseshit, is getting chummy here with “Israel let it happen” conspiracy theorists.
“Israel has never been averse to killing Palestinian civilians, and there’s no reason to feel confident Israeli intelligence didn’t let the attack through in order to justify longstanding agendas like the elimination of Gaza as a Palestinian territory.”
Are you implying that this is somehow an unreasonable assumption just because Caitlin Johnstone is a complete dolt on the virus nonsense? I’ll take non-sequiturs for 500, Alex!
She’s not a “dolt”. She makes a good living as a gatekeeper
Yeah, but you know, there’s conspiracies and there’s CONSPIRACIES!!!
“Don’t look at that one, LOOK AT MINE!!”
And now that the old World War 2 roadshow is in full production, our ravenous team of conscienceless hacks are salivating over each other to see who can come up with the most hyperventilating atrocity porn. Here is the appalling Jonathan Freedland from the vomitable Graud:
“After the pogrom in Israel, the angel of death is licking his lips”
No sense of embarrassment will get in the way of this palpitating purple prose!
pre posting the above I am baffled why you did not inform your viewers about isael having 5 elections in 4 year, nettyboy actually changing the juridical process, so he doesn’t go to prison.
The very long demonstrations in isaeal about that Orwellian government by its own people.
#the most right wing government they have ever had and that seems to be the way all around at the moment as covid top earners will blame the lower caste and migrants for the world issues.
Or throw in the threat of war to keep the blame off the top earners.
take note off, no religious leader condemning war.
what has happened to the anti war political people.?
They all want the ends time prophecy to bring in the religious new world order,
what sick f*cks the lot of them.
This blatantly contrived “attack on Israel” (with its paragliders – Oh puh-lease!) is not only being used to “justify” what may be Israel’s “final solution” (i.e. total eradication of Palestine) but to stoke the most bitter clashes all across the West. Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are being deliberately provoked with the media gleefully shovelling out stories about e.g. Jewish schools being closed down “to protect the pupils” etc.
Meanwhile a whole barrage of recycled phone clips on loops, with suitable (and almost “Satanic”) voices added, are being shoved out there on Twitter and, no doubt, elsewhere. It’s like the old bayoneted baby stuff on acid and via space age technology.
Useful deep background on Israel, especially what Quigley said in ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’:
The Palestine Israel conflict is one of the last overt racist apartheid colonial struggles on the planet. In most other places, colonialism has given way to corporate neocolonialism.
In Europe and NATOland there is a tendency to view Israel-Palestine as an ethno-religious conflict. Even the do-gooders sympathetic to the Palestinian cause try to mediate based on the assumption that Palestinians are too stupid and/or corrupt to sort it out by themselves with Israelis who have been armed by Western powers for over 150 years now.
I see it differently. The European Zionist movement was formed precisely so that Zionist powers could not only take a seat but rule the agenda at the Imperial Powers negotiations starting from the 19th century.
This was when European colonizers were trying to carve up Africa, Asia and some of South America deciding “who gets what”. It’s not a coincidence that Zionists increasingly focused on Palestine and “Greater Israel” in the second half of the 19th century as the firsl oil deposits were being discovered in the Middle East.
Israel Zangill and others active in the Zionist conferences had also considered places in Canada, Australia, Libya, Uganda, Iraq and even southwest USA. 10,000 Jews were moved to Galveston Texas but I am guessing Texans made their opinions known.
The cartoonish narrative that tries to show Palestinian self defense as some form of fundamental religious terrorism is a convenient propaganda tool for Israel, which just this morning ordered the UN to clear out the northern half of Gaza”. Yes, apparently Israel can order the UN around after having killed several UN employees in the constant air strikes of the last seven days.
It’s worth remembering that the Holocaust Industry on its official websites has clearly defined the Holocaust as referring to European Jewry. Sephardic Jews or Mizrahim are clearly not included. This is also partly because Sephardic Jews lived mostly peacefully in small communities with their Arab and Muslim neighbours across Afirca and Western Asia. During WWII for the most part they were not deported to Europe, their properties were not confiscated despite pressure from the Zionist leaders sitting comfortably in the UK, Switzerland and North America.
This is not an ethno-religious conflict. It is a resistance of basic human rights against the most brutal genocidal form of colonialism that exists in the 21st century.
NATO political elites cannot admit this because they know exactly that they are responsible for having created this situation. How can France and the UK possibly make it illegal to say that Palestinians are humans?
If you type “human animals” into google, for now at least the first thing that comes up are videos of Israeli Terrorist Minister Yoav Gallant advocating genocide.
I had never heard of this guy until yesterday but have to agree with most of what he says.
Your reference to Arab Jews reminded me of this book, well worth reading:
Here’s a book that is well worth reading:
With two replies in pending limbo, let me try again.
Three Worlds by Avi Shlaim is a book well worth reading, I find.
Thanks. Looks interesting.I’ll check it out.
Spot on – its a type of class struggle, not an ethno-religious war, even thought it sometimes seems to have that appearance.
Zionism, even Labour (socalled socialist) Zionism was happy to exploit Palestinians to build a state, but had no intention of including them in it.
Fake War ?
The story of Hamas firing hundreds of rockets into the apartheid state is close to impossible. The logistics are not practical. The probabilty of large numbers of militants breaking out of the cage and gunning down large numbers of people, non combatants or otherwise in a surprise attack is also impossible given that Israel is an armed camp and the caged inhabitants of Gaza are under constant surveillance. The only possibility is that a limited incursion was permitted to happen using intelligence assets among the Gazans, roping in a few of the oppressed and angry. This was probably done to provide a tiny kernel for the atrocity story inflated to absurd levels by the bankster owned media and the rabid owned Western political scum and dinned into the sense organs of the populace. The motives for this false flag are obvious. The intensity of the media feeding frenzy suggests this is going to be big and bloody. So while the uprising is largely fake, the “response” is unlikely to be. Why should it ? The apartheid state is at the peak of it’s power and has not just the Western world but most of the world behind it. There is no restraining force. The last time we experienced comparable media excesses was after 9/11. Millions have perished across North Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan as a result of that false flag. This time there will be an acceleration of the ethnic cleansing. It appears there will be a new improved al Naqba with 2 million Gazans driven out of their prison. Whether this offensive will be extended to the West Bank in the immediate aftermath remains to be seen.
In a nutshell.
They did fire the rockets, Iron Dome shot most of them down, it was probably Israeli bombs that killed the Israeli’s just as it is American bombs murdering the Palestinians. The west want all Palestinians dead because they live as a daily reminder of our genocides
Yes, this is how I’m thinking about all of this.
Here is my world.
I care for myself, my family, my inlaws, my friends, my colleges, my neighbors, my community, my shire, my country, the world, the planet, the universe.
Even if there was a real war going on in another part of the world. (not this fake stuff) I’m still more concerned about the homeless in my local area. For those new to this, world news is relatively new, there was none 30 years ago, because nobody gave a shit. And guess what, they still don’t.
I used to believe that when your grandfather would talk about how stuff was not like this when they were younger, I used to believe that was them just getting old and cynical. I was wrong… Truth is, when we get a little older we begin to see patterns and the slow change of events designed to enslave us. (the boiling of the frog). We then call it out to warn the younger generations to warn them. However, they have been programmed to think we are just old.
The Cat is out of the bag, information has been spilled by the clumsy fucks who think they run the show and we are now gaining momentum.
And guess what, you don’t need a gun, you just need to not comply. They are only a few thousand. The rest of this show is run by obedient order follower who do what they are told in exchange for shiny stuff. Just say no and don’t associate with order followers, the lowest of the low. (AKA, Snitches/Rats)
I hear you, but a big part of the reason you have so many homeless in your area is that your government is funding those faraway wars. It’s not true that world news didn’t exist 30 years ago. World news has had hypnotic power since the propaganda tool of TV became common in the free world from the 1960s onwards. Anyone in North America under the age of 73 has grown up being mesmerized by that screen. But even before that, people were way more politically aware than you give them credit for. Rather, your generation has been dumbed down by TV.
Not my government. corporate government perhaps.
Further, many generations have been dumbed down and controlled since 1215 Magna Carta, this has not just happened in recent times. Any Bill of Rights or Constitution after this date is a set of rules that the ruling class have set for the people to obey.
Just so you know there is no real war. Just some images on a screen that you agree is custom designed propaganda. Also, what makes you believe that the Tax dollars being siphoned off is funding a war? One may find the money is going somewhere else.
Finally, since domestic airlines are still selling cheap flights to encourage holiday maker to visit Israel, doesn’t’ sound like a place at war to me. No flights during a fake pandemic, but cheap flights during a war. Does this sound logical to you?
I do agree my generation have dumbed down further though.
We’ve all got opinions on this current topic. None of them is going to change any ideology or religion. How well these equate to the facts can only be known to the elephant in the war zone, that well known elephant that the media continually ignores. I’d like to get the facts from that elephants trunk.
Have there been any LGBTIQ+ heroes in the narrative so far ? In the 9/11 legend there was a “gay” guy who helped storm the cockpit of the fictitious “UA 93” which apparently buried itself in Pennsylvania. Cross dressers at the concert ? That sort of thing ? Or are they keeping it clean to ensure a broad across the political spectrum endorsement for the story ? It is disgusting how the Murdoch machine joined the frenzy.
Typical “false dichotomy” thinking. (Look it up.) You people think that, if someone disagrees with you, they agree with the mass media. False dichotomization is the stigmata of a very stupid mind.
They don’t “agree” with the mass media. They parrot the mass media. They don’t think at all.
Just saw a flashing ad before I did my online dailymail crossword puzzle. Saying ISIS IS HAMAS and HAMAS is ISIS that The World defeated ISIS and the World must defeat HAMAS. Now they really are trying to make us believe white is black and 2+2=5. Depressing
… just an aside, re: ISIS/HAMAS … they are both ‘creations’ of Israel, in concert with US brainiacs. Vanessa Beally, et al have exposed enough about it so I won’t bother with boring details …
I do understand that it is a horrible thought to get one’s head around, but we can’t change reality.
Oh there’s lots of little floating ads. Try this one:
Israel attempts to behead the kids in a different way. The adults have already been beheaded i.e. their heads are still there but there’s nothing inside them.
It’s really easy to be you people. You just say, “It’s all a hoax, or a false flag, or whatever,” and go back to bed. No thinking involved.
It’s really easy to be you. Joe. You just say, “Everything the media tells me is absolute gospel truth” and you don’t need to go back to bed. You never got up.
No I don’t. You don’t know what I say. See? You’re just like I said. Go back to bed.
You’re a hoax
And btw. I welcome all the bad grades. It is a mark of excellence.
Watching other people making friends, everywhere, as a dog makes friends. I mark the manner of these canine courtesies and think, here comes, thank Heaven, another enemy!
Congratulations for proving yourself to be a fool and a fraud, Joe. Now go back to bed and continue to slumber away in your naive, media-narcotized dream state.
All right Joe. Now what do you ‘think’ about the whole situation… in a nut shell. I’ll skip the socio-psychological considerations of your comment and possible response.
It’s a lot like Covid in some respects. When emotions come in, reason flies out of the window.
So we heard Bret Weinstein, in his interesting talk with Efrat Fenigson, say that IL was part of the Enlightened West, which is characterised by its refusal to judge people by their lineage.
That is really funny, because IL has institutionalised the importance of lineage, well beyond what other Levantines do. Talk of a blind spot!
This is how it’s being played:
Big “argument” between Owen Jones and Margaret Hodge. And right away, you’re wondering which is more loathsome. In any case, Owen is the one drafted in to present the “oppositional” stance. Yes, it’s that bad. He’s giving us the “Palestinian” side. Which is useless because – well, over to the Spiked scribes,
“Here was a Jewish lady in clear anguish over the racist slaughter of more than a thousand of her people, politely apologising to the host for having a lump in her throat, and the non-Jew Jonesy basically upbraided her. He essentially told her to pipe down at one point. Unseemly doesn’t cover it.”
Yup “more than a thousand” of … “her” people? Anyway, the highlighted words leads to a link to explain. The link goes to CBS News which tells us,
“As of Thursday morning, Israel’s military said Hamas’ brutal attack had claimed more than 1,200 lives, including at least 25 Americans, and left some 2,800 people wounded.”
See the catch? “Israel’s military said”. And anything Israeli’s military said becomes sacred writ.
And that is the basis of every wretched pseudo-debate all across the mainstream. Even on the “oppositional” side!
No wonder 9/11 is being mentioned. It’s exactly the same trick. Even the “opposition” had to take the official account of the Sept 11 attacks for granted. And so the only line they could take is the “blowback” thesis which is that “we had it coming to us”. Obviously a dead duck. And you can drag in as much horror on the Gaza side as you want. As soon as you take this “Hamas attack” at face value, you are submitting to the mainstream Grand Guignol and you leave yourself open to the charge, “Oh my God! Are you saying that this attack on Israelis was justified?”
And naturally this is all the mainstream allows. The absurdity is summed up in a comment from Piers Morgan:
“There’s a debate raging about whether Hamas beheaded babies or stabbed/shot them dead in their bedrooms, as if somehow one of these evil depraved acts of terrorism is less wicked than the other. If you’re trying to argue this point, you’re a sick b*stard.”
See? It’s a total non-debate. Disingenuity personified. Like the old witch hunt test. Chuck her in the river. If she floats, she’s a witch and gets burned. If she drowns, she’s innocent – and dead anyway!
This is the mainstream. The pretence of diversity of opinion. The pretence of argument. But all has been decided in advance.
margaret hodge
her real name is oppenheimer as in debeers as in south african roths shill diamonds mafia
Hodge is another slimy little servile hack. Did someone mention Baddiel?
“her people”… identity politics OK all of a sudden.
Zionism has nothing to do with being jewish, in fact before WW2 the zionists were a fringe minority in the jewish communities around the world, btw. for all the uninformed blockheads that throw around this newspeak word “anti-semitism” so lightly: palestinians are semites too
Can we dispense with the tiresome “palestinians are semites too” shtick. However imprecise, “anti-semitism” means the hatred of Jews and only Jews.
Can we dispense with your compliance with the 2+2=5 (because we say so) rule?
Whatever terms you wish to employ — anti-Zionism, even vociferous, militant anti-Zionism, is no more identical to antisemitism than anti-Fascism was identical to anti-Italianism. It’s like saying people who were against Fascism as it emerged as a political movement in the early twentieth century were attempting to destroy and ruin the entire Italian people.
Jonathan Greenblatt is full of shit.
It’s a weaponised word designed to thwart discussion and thought.
You gotta define Jews there…
The “no warnings” part of the narrative is starting to crumble – like it walways does.
There are subtle psyops in progress everywhere. The totally correct anti-trans crowd were really getting their act together until the Israel thing started and they unhesitatingly fell into line as the dreary antediluvian “never again” crap switched them back to 1940 as if nothing had happened in between. Fuck them all!
I’m curious. Who are this “anti-trans” crowd who are making public statements on this new current thing?
Good question.
Try here for J K Rowling’s happy acquiescence in the Israeli propaganda:
And here for Graham Linehan’s similar (he reposted both):
Thanks George. Gosh, it keeps me stunned how these celebrities are able to stay that boundless stupid.
I mean we all make failures but these idiots stay forever brainwashed.
I know its group think but these decades are a horrifying study in the most dark sides of human psychology.
Check out ‘libs of tiktok’ too
My answer is pending.
I think we’re talking about Farage, about the Daily Mail, about , about Reform etc.
The Establishment unanimity shows clearly that we are no longer an independent nation, we kiss the US’ ass and they take orders from Tel Aviv.
I wonder how many UK citizens still have sufficient brainpower to vote for people who wish to loosen ties to Israel greatly; who require Jews in this country to state that ‘Jews are NOT God’s chosen people’, since that is a Master Race construct and hence no non-Jews would ever turn to God if all they had to offer were perpetual second-class status; and who point out eloquently and cogently that a 1% minority of the population does not get to frame either domestic- or foreign policy in a sovereign nation?
If it’s less than 15 million, then the country will rightly be colonised and can be referred to in exactly the way that British colonialists referred to ‘African savages’.
This kind of discussion is why I value Off G. The ‘regulars” comments are thought-provoking, at times even paradigm shifting.George Mc’s observation about the trans deniers being brought back into the fold was eye-opening. It made me wonder if these kind of moments – when the prodigals and rebels are brought home – provide the illusion of some sort of family where X goes off the rails for a bit but when it gets messy and the Muslim hits the Jew (never the other way around though) X sits down at the dinner table. While I doubt this ‘return’ is planned, it certainly helps to reinforce the big consensus position summed up so clearly by Rhys Jagger: namely, kiss Zionist ring.
There are certain levels of opposition for those wishing to remain on good terms with Celebrity Land.
Here is a guide to the media management of three topics:
Covid 19? No deviation was possible at all. This was, after all, a “deadly pandemic” and people needed the “lifesaving vaccine”. Those blasphemers (Van, Eric etc.) were relentlessly mocked and then totally ignored.
Transgenderism? This is a kind of “sectional snake pit” i.e. it’s a furious little battlefield that goes on “at the side”. This is because the actual position of the “Trans community” (and even the very concept of such a community) is so ludicrous that the media can’t afford to highlight it too much. And so, within the “gender arena”, there’s lots of often psychotic abuse and bickering.
Israel? Any claim made by Israel about violence against it is furiously battered against everyone’s skull and no scepticism whatsoever is tolerated. The “opposition” is therefore forced to make ineffective and totally feeble protestations of a tit-for-tat variety, raking up the old “blowback” thesis – “You had it coming!” – which can effortlessly be crushed, and indeed crushes itself, with the implication that the “40 beheaded babies” (or whatever) also “had it coming”. This is the perfect example of the totally fixed boxing match i.e. where one of the fighters has both hands and both legs tied up as well as his eyes poked out.
And the media can have a wonderful time mixing up these areas to divide and rule to an even greater degree e.g. should anti-trans side with Israel? Etc.
The Covid 19 report in Netherlands has the mistakes mofitzzzz where made zzz and lesson learned zzz and we will act quicker next timezzzzz.
100 day vaccinezzzzz
Well meaning Christians have always assumed that the “chosen ones” in the Old Testament is a code for “humanity” in general and have tragically failed to realise they are shmucks consenting to their slavery..
The uncomfortable truth is that “chosen ones” refers to the Zaddikim who wrote the original and most ancient racial hate speech in those books, and not a code for human beings in general, surprise surprise!
If still in doubt you are welcome to check out “Melchizedek”, who is mysteriously absent from Christian preaching despite being the stated source of their “god’s law”.
I don’t think we will ever know for sure who the Americans are voting for.
What I’ve noticed about Twitter is that the rabid pro-Israel atrocity porn vastly dwarfs the sceptical stuff. Also, the former generates seemingly interminable lines of the dullest and most clichéd sentiments in response e.g. “Fucking animals”, “Apologists for atrocity!” etc. Furthermore, if you stick an oppositional sentiment in and wait for the deluge of fury to vent against you, you find to your astonishment that nothing happens. Once again – the suspicion dawns that there is some kind of selective shadow banning in progress.
As I’ve said many times, if you simply refuse to engage with Twitter, Facebook and the like, then their usefulness will steadily decline.
The Palestinians stopped communicating digitally as they knew that Israel’s Mossad could read everything they typed. If they wrote things by hand in underground tunnels, perhaps Israeli satellite feeds could not read what the instructions were?
The most right wing government in the most Democratic place in he middle east history starts with…..
Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
Please share!
Since I see zionism as just another national-socialist ideology there is nothing rightwing about a zionist.
It has been perfectly clear for quite a long time that Netanyahu will do and/or say ANYTHING to hold onto the day job, please his MASTERS, and stay out of jail and disgrace. The volatility of the Knesset/Israeli Parliament enables him to do this..even or especially when a lot of Israelis protest about him and his corruption personally.
Yahu has been in trouble in Israel for corruption, wanting to ban juries, etc. There have been crowds of Israeli citizens out in the streets demonstrating.
He will be very happy with the current distraction he has created. All going to plan for him.
For many Israelis, the tragedy of the enforced jabs is still fresh.
He held up a map in the UN without all of Palestine obliterated
They won’t totally obliterate Palestine as they need to keep a convenient scapegoat for future distractions.
In New South Wales they are trying to ban Palestinians supporters from protesting, they lit up monuments in every capital city in Israeli colors without knowing a single fact about what happened, Meanwhile we know find out the fucking ABC had weeks old footage interviewing facist jews in the west bank which they held over but prattled endlessly about an unprovoked attack by Hamas, Intererstingly the general over all popuation of Australia are with the Palestinians and have been for decades.
But for sheer gall and disconnect fucking Germany plastered the Israeli flag on the Brandenburg gate.
And the PM and others in our racist facist so called ALP government said they would evacuate Israeli Australians from Israel even though they are pefectly safe living in other peoples houses but ignored the rights of Palestinians to come home for 4 fucking days while they babble that Israel has the right to commit fucking genocide.
The UN did not call the incursion from Gaza a terrorist attack
Compared to its past treachery, this woke gesture by the German government can almost be overlooked. To date, it has
-banned research/comment on WW2/Holocaust (or any attempt to defend such an accused),
-continued to “compensate” ~280,000 “Holocaust survivors”,
-allowed excessive and destabilising immigration,
-wasted scarce wealth on Nato/Ukraine,
-colluded in the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline (according to Seymour Hersch).
Oh how depressingly easy it is for celebs to fall in with the hallowed outrage-by-numbers “never forget” copy/paste drivel. With absolutely no capacity to inquire into the received bulletins of the very same media that has been elevating the “persecution of trans people” line.
In fairness, she could be excused for going to certain lengths to be allowed out of the doghouse.
It didn’t take long for them to give him a platform (remind me: who voted for him again? why exactly is his view about anything of interest to anyone?):
His solution?
“a coalition of the willing – ranging from the US and the EU to Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority – should take responsibility for the Gaza Strip away from Hamas, rebuild Gaza and simultaneously completely disarm Hamas and demilitarise the Gaza Strip.”
This is a drop in the ocean of propaganda but note this cover:
“Fresh horror as Hamas bomb hits hospital…Hamas terrorists bombed an Israeli hospital”
On trying to figure out what this referred to I found this headline from the Graud:
‘We escaped from danger into death’: desperation inside Gaza’s hospitals as casualties mount”
Gaza’s hospitals!
And this:
“Israeli hospital ‘preparing for war’”
And note the hospital footage. Not exactly a war zone.
Also note the doctor is careful to note that the war is “Hamas instigated”. So not just a doctor but a political commentator whose opinion just happens to agree with the Israeli government!
Spirals are used in hypnosis for mind-control.
I expect the amounts of victims will arrive at six million when the war has finished.
Good one Erik – very witty!
One thing the Middle East thing has shown up is how affluently twee the transgender thing is – especially considering how the ones rightly standing against it have fallen so easily for the atrocity propaganda.
They haven’t fallen for it, they know they can’t keep their controlled opposition status if they oppose it.
Like 9/11, I can see how this serves the West, Israel and the long-term oligarch agenda – but I can’t see how the leadership of Hamas could think this would serve them in the slightest.
They believe some hostages will protect them from massive reprisals? They believe others will rush to their aid? How exactly would committing atrocities against civilians play into either of those?
Yet again, the only explanation is that “our enemies” are insane, in fact probably demonically possessed. They cannot be allowed to have rational motivations.
The hostages are not taken by Hamas. They are taken by “Al Qassam”, a Mossad alias and another outfit whose name I can’t remember.
All the theatical videos including the motorized hang gliders etc. are not Hamas.
On TV channels across the Islamic world and neutral channels Hamas has categorically denied the more ridiculous things it has been accused of.
Hamas is not a suicidal organization. I know many believe that Hamas was set up and infiltrated by Mossad to control the Palestinian narrative but that was a long time. That was the time of the suicide bombers and so on. We’ve moved on since then.
Just as “ISIS” and its various flavours are Israeli controlled, so is Al Qassam. You can see in the hang glidiing video, it’s not Hamas, it’s something else.
Or you believe that Hamas has been busy setting up secret hang gliding factories in Gaza, and carrying the motorbikes over the fences on the hang gliders….
Al Aqsa Flood is an Israeli operation from beginning to end. However it seems the financiers in DC were not informed….
Hamas official: ‘We have not killed any civilians’
Resume:”By this statement Hamas admitted they have killed thousands of innocent Israeli military recruit civilians and beheaded Israeli unarmed military baby civilians, and we refuse to talk about anything else than what Hamas did and this is a fact”.
the dead babies and rapes have been debunked by the fucking IDF commander days ago
Oh right. And how do you know all of this?
The truth is right there in the propadanda videos and photos disseminated by MSM at Israeli behest. You need to analyze them critically and carefully.
For example, do you see a body or do you see a stuffed black garbage bag lying on clean ground? Do you see a “beheaded baby” or do you see an empty car seat with red paint thrown over it? That’s not how blood looks.
There exists zero footage of 260 slain ravers.
If you want to see real injured children and people in Gaza just go to Bangladeshi TV channels on youtube or presstv dot ir or any number of non NATO controlled media channels.
Real photos of injured people are heartbreaking to see. I saw blood on the road twice from car accidents. It’s nothing like the fake Israeli photos.
Out of the horses mouth, just 4 or 5 statements from current and past leaders which to me pretty much shows exactly what the objective is:
I put something about this in an earlier reply. I will amend ISIS to Al Qassam as I believe you to be more correct with this then I am.
The fact that seams to be emerging is that those taken as hostages are mostly peaceniks and we’ll known peace Advocates and campaigners apposed to their own governments treatment of Palistinians is worrying. This would place them in much greater danger then if they were held by Hamas. It also makes it likely they will have been deliberately targeted by Mosad as voices to be silenced and therefore be used to add to the baying justification for mass destruction of Gaza by being publicly and brutally dispatched. Hamas to be blamed for the atrocity and used as further justifying this brutal destruction of Gaza.
I really hope I am wrong in this but the more that comes to light the more this seams a staged hijacking of events that is being spun to promote the agenda of Israel and the Western powers.
I was wondering about that. Also, I know there was some sort of civil war going on within the IDF over Netanyahu’s policies. I have to wonder if some of the IDF alleged to have been killed by Hamas weren’t actually killed by Israel. Speculation.
What’s beyond doubt is that Hamas officials are not allowed to present their perspective on NATO media without being silenced and interrupted. Yet the fake looking media of Hamas atrocities is disseminated at the speed of light and we’re told that Hamas itself is uploading it…… Moreover even the fake stuff takes time to shoot and edit. The paragliding ravers thing was probably filmed a long time ago by Israel. All this propaganda footage has probably been prepared a long time ago.
The only part that seems real is some small scale breaking through of fences by random young men, most of whom seem to be teenagers.
Well, according to financial expert, Greg Mannarino, Wall Street knew in advance. Market was down on Fri, then for no reason, money started pouring into the market and institutions/hedge funds were placing big bets on crude oil going much higher
And posted videos from the tone deaf concert hears women screaming at the Israel guards to put their guns away and stop shooting through them
I hear that (a) the Hamas leaders are living the good life in Qatar, the HQ of Muslim Brotherhood (b) Haniyeh has not been in Gaza for years. There is a photo of him travelling by private jet.
from wiki:
The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990
thats 33 years to the day
Smoke bombs by Hamas – could this be true?
There were a couple of interesting points made late last night on the radio by a man working as liason for connecting families directly with those possibly held as hostages by Hamas. He firstly mentioned that Hamas reported being joined on the Israeli side by other fighters not associated with them. His comment led to him suggesting complications due to these other groups purportedly to be Isis associates and I fact unconnected enemies of Hamas.
He went on to say that he had not any idea how many hostages there may be held in fact by these Isis fighters as apposed to Hamas but that he was more worried for the hostages of these groups.
It also is coming to be known that Egypt warned Israel at least three days prior of this supposed attack.
All this points to a lesser Hamas attack deliberately enabled and using other factions to ramp up the supposed Invasion and gain support for an all out Invasion of Gaza by Israel. The ramping up of Extreme stories seeded in an all out media wall to gain public support for something Israel has been itching to do but had so far not gained enough public support for due to the free Palistine movement and human rights observances.
Curious is how a massacre has dominated most commentary, and enabled so much condemnation of the Palestinians ? Would so many be calling for revenge had it not occurred ?
If they “invade” Gaza, they will be in for a surprise. Their insufficiencies will come out into the light.
They may steal more Palestinian land, but they have to keep their scapegoat alive in order to support their false ‘evidence’ for future distractions/’wars’.
Nothing better than a good old distraction. Gets in the punters every time.
What I also found interesting in the video I linked above was that the supposedly defensive Dome system of the Israelis appeared to be nothing but fireworks-like “rockets” shooting into the skies, ostensibly to shoot down the constant barrage of Palestinian real missiles targeting Israel, as the Israeli elite told its citizens, all the while any kind of evidence that the Palestinians were actually targeting the Israelis with missiles was lacking.
And the commenter of the video suggested that this was the Israeli elite’s way of brainwashing its citizenry into believing the Palestinians are the bad guys and keeping them in constant fear and panic.
As we’ve learned from the ConVid era, a constantly fearful and alarmed people can be more easily manipulated and controlled.
Fantastic video. I have trouble believing that an impoverished and beleagured people under constant surveillance could manufacture and deploy huge numbers of rockets. Very important information that indicates that this is largely a false flag.
Agree, The videos put out WSJ, Telegraph etc. are clear psy ops that we’ve seen in all the “terrorist” false flag events of the last 15 years. They do not show anything happening. I saw a video of an ambulance in Gaza that had been hit and destroyed in an Israeli airstrike. Like most real photos, the blood is spattered in a way that is really hard to recreate. You would need a few artists and it would take too long.
The Israeli videos with their red paint scattered in neat little patches are completely fake.
They could because they had help. From their allies. Which is most of the world.
If ISIS is involved and infiltrated it could make some sense. They make their paid atrocities and killing on Israel’s own people, and Israel and “The International Community” blame Hamas.
This is what “The International Community” use to do.
one more thing… how long do we think it will be before the solution to “space” which hinders the “two state” solution (not withstanding that the water table in “that” region of the middle east is dropping metres per year now) , that the solution to “space” is solved by that recently (and ongoing) depopulated (and highly fertile) corner of southern, eastern europe…
you know the bit formerly known as khazaar?
you remember the plan right? stage one depopulate, stage two using the goyims cash
want a chuckle? even the fucking map image of “heavenly jerusalem” is now behind an adult filter….. thats how far weve come folks, they are really trying so fkn hard now, but We see them, clear as clear, exposed, naked, liars, thieves, decepticons,
The attentive student learned
“Why send in troops when you can pulverise the place
by bombing it from the air ?
Bomb it back to The Stone Age !”
Gaza > Falluja #2…
‘Hamas did not coordinate its military action with any of its
Resistance Axis allies. It also did not plan to achieve the
stunning results that were soon to follow. The Qassim Brigade’s
immediate goal was only to destroy Israeli army positions
around the Gaza Strip and capture as many Israeli soldiers as
possible, which they could later exchange for the thousands of
Palestinian captives (being held) in Israeli prisons.’
The War Has Started. Hassam Illiak. The Cradle:
Death to Hamas, death to Hisbollah, death to Wagner, death to Teheran, death to Moscow!!! We don’t wanna see and hear your stupid bullshit propaganda, assholes!!! If you censor this, you’re not in favor of free speech!!! Then you can shove your words where they belong i.e., up your fucking ass!!!!!
People often think ‘free speech’ is free license to say any petty, ignorant, hateful thing that comes out of their fatuous little mouth.
Free speech isn’t that. It has never been that. You sound like a ten-year-old fortnight troll. Grow the fuck up. And have a nice day. 👍 A2
Or just someone following the news, explicitly saying that what the pundits say implicit.
Let the boy talk will you, we obviously all need target practice. This is becoming too easy.
Knock one out Josh, you seem highly strung…
It’s the Israel-Palestine War, I hate to tell ya.
Israel – Hamas war.
And Israel created Hamas.
So Israel is basically fighting itself.
Now, why you think it’s doing that?
becuase netanyahu was about to be ousted and the only thing that could save him was “war”, to the chabad org little benji is a major cog in the direction of the ushering in of the moschiach
as they are happy to explain to you here:
a “king” to unite the world (and allow a certain group complete dominion over all livestock…you), from the line of david, those who understand the complexities of rothschild/windsor know this is either willy or harry, certain researchers point to the relevance of the second son, not the first, theres another title reserved fro this freak, but definition of it does not relate specifically to an individual more a movement/direction/outcome (not a good one) we say “anti-christ”
chabad (and other extreme sects of a certain group) openly worship lucifer, they make zero secret of this, the mainstream also worship lucifer but more unknowingly, as do to an extent other nations mainstream religions…. “lord”, lord of what? lord of All? no, lord of this realm, understanding that is an essential part of understanding the mutual experience we are investigating/experiencing here in this prison realm
albert pike masonic p.o.s stated clearly that contriving a war between muslim and christian would be the requirement to reach the “end game”, the great fucking work of ages, the big fucking plan going all the way back to mystery schools, the buggery of little kids in the priest class to “open” the third eye, the worship of dark, technologically advanced, non dimensionally tied entities who have been worshipped as false gods, exchanging power and wealth for servitude and suffering
unless intervention occurs and very fucking soon this realm will degenerate into open violence almost everywhere, in am-eri-ca your nation is rammed with sleeper cells, uk, the same (just ask serco ryan…), the eu… fuck dont even go there, how do we think illuminating the eifel tower with the israyhell colours has gone down with the local (mainly muslim) population….?
if allowed to progress we will be present to witness first hand the chao bit of ordo of chao, presence at its conclusion is less guaranteed shall we say?
what is known as the 3rd Fatima secret has some bearing here
Oh and the pretty german girl tattooist reputedly murdered and her naked bod paraded around Gaza?? she, according to her mum, is actually in hospital… in Gaza, being treated, but in a few hours the fact that there is no power, no water and soon ground troops of the “israeli army” (whom we know have been told that there will be no recriminations of any kind, no war crimes will be tried) will invade, tattoo girls chances may be narrowing, given that its important to western msm that she actually be dead….
with the western msm ploughing out “brown baby bad, white baby good” like its going out of fashion they aim to ensure compliance from the masses based on fear and outrage, lets not forget the idf slogan and the “points” system in use, the one thats been tolerated for far too long
many of these event stories have stand down at the heart of the matter
in this case military and then
and his
problem reaction solution
Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
This is all pretext for what they’ve always wanted to do: get rid of the Palestinians and claim all the land for themselves.
Then the Palestinians to be disseminated as destabilizing agents all around the Western world.
Why? Because this “Israel’s 911 moment”. Like Uncle $cam’s 911 moment when the oily Bush regime blew up 3 buildings and killed 3,000 U$ citizens as a pretext for invading oil-rich Iraq.
Gaza has gas, Israel wants Gaza to sign it over, with “an offer they can’t refuse”. From Wikipedia:
2008 Operation “Cast Lead”, aerial bombardment and ground invasion. Considered to be the largest, devastating and deadliest military operation in Gaza since the Six-day war in 1967.
2012, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) initiated Operation “Returning Echo”. It was the worst outbreak of violence since Operation “Cast Lead”
2008–2009. The IDF launched Operation Protective Edge
2023 Israel’s present attempt to flatten Gaza and drive out its Gentile population (Operation Strong Sword) is just “business as usual”.
“In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, “just to keep people frightened.” This was an idea that had literally never occurred to him.”
— George Orwell 1984
Oh right. You quoted 1984. You must be right. Great point.
What do you mean she “must be right”? She didn’t say anything, she just posted the quote. If you don’t like what it says, blame Orwell 😂
She made a sentence bold to make her point. That’s what she’s saying.
‘Orwellian’ didn’t enter the lexicon because it sounds cool.
Bergoglio and the Chinese “leadership” have been bullied into condemning Hamas. An indication that both Christianity and Marxism are bankster creations. Creations that can be controlled by the entity that created them. Both Bergoglio and the Chinese were strong promoters of the convid narrative that temporarily turned us all into Palestinians.
You are still giving life to fiction. To the matrix.
Free speech?
Doesn’t exist in Islamic states or lesser Muslim countries.
I have tried Australia today twice and am quite cheesed off.
1, mustn’t mention BRICS11 and if there will be influence on the world economy. Point: Don’t do estimates for 2024 now, dear IMF, wait until the new BRICS Club reveals what effects, if any, it has. Will be deleted completely.
2. Do not mention that history in the ME did not start with the Balfour declaration in 1917.
So what you are trying to say is we should be more like Muslim nations? Or are you saying we should have have more inflammatory ‘free speech’ like horseshit decapitated baby fake stories? Or is it perhaps that you dont like hearing the about the war crimes of the zionist entity?What’s your point man?
I am in favor of free speech ANYwhere as long as it doesn’t call for violence. So we can make up our own minds about horror stories by getting ALL info. Yes that baby stuff looks quite fake; Allah Ul Akbar shouting Palestinians look pretty real though. There are ~ 1,7 billion Muslims on Earth, and ~ 15 million Jews. Let’s say a quarter of each group got lethally brainwashed; I know which club is more dangerous here. Islam is quite into suppressing free speech for its own followers while Judaism is much into twisting it to its advantage.
Ok great we are in agreement then regarding free speech.
I big to differ on who is more dangerous. One man, who controls 9 trillion dollars, who can sway planetary policy, advocate to lock us down, muzzle us, threaten us with experimental injections against the Nuremberg code, saturate our minds via monopoly legacy media with blood lust shrieks of REEEEVENGE, advocate for the confusion and mutilation of our children, manipulate the money supply to keep the vast majority of us scrambling to survive, financial colonialism, debt slavery, usury, this Sodom and Gomorrah porn infested global western ‘culture’ etc or people with no voice?
Yes, the truth will out. Perhaps you are right, when we rub the Maya from our brains and realise we have been had by the Oligarchy, humanity will become lethal to the the parasite class.
but like you i don’t advocate violence, lethal refers to their lifestyle. I advocate for the oligarchy to scrub toilets in Siberia for the rest of their obnoxious lives.
Good Post
But there is a lot more to the banksters than convid and the economic war on the populace. The Western war machine has rained death on all kinds of people for more than a century. Before that there was colonialism which wiped out hundreds of millions. 40 million people on the sub continent perished in famines during the bankster/British occupation.
Well, after thinking about it for a bit, I’ll make a comment that will go into pending and be published tomorrow.
What is it about some/most Europeans that they feel that they have this G-given right to take over every country that they colonize? I have witnessed decent people turn into ogres right in front of my eyes when they are ‘given’ the authority to assume leadership-roles and guns to convey their ‘authority’. I mean just take a look at some of the half-wits in the IDF or most police-forces, they might well be from the ‘lower-socio stratem’ of their community, but as soon as they’re empowered, OMG! … INSTANT tyrants. Doesn’t the idea of peaceful co-existence ever make long-term sense? I have, too often witnessed this penchant for domination through tyranny in so many of the Commonwealth Nations. Palestine, is only one microcosm of an example … Namibia, South Africa, India, etc. there are so many terrible examples of power-crazed thugs, because that’s all they really are – on this beautiful planet.
I would dearly like to know how ex-Russians, Germans, Polish and other Eastern-Europeans, suddenly feel they have a right to do as they please, and dish-out the violence they have fled from – when they occupy another country????
Yes, like the Pilgrims who were excaping religious persecution in Britain back in the 1600’s.
Not sure there are too many Native American’s left to ask how they felt about the insurgence.
You’d have to visit a reservation to ask around, I guess.
A res-er-vation.
Or a Casino.
Holding up a Palestinian flag might be considered a crime this week, but after Israel exacts its revenge, it will be considered innocent enough.
Of course today, people will applaud anything, but, in the light of the initial applause for the idea of punishing Palestinian flag waving and shutting down pro-Palestine demonstrations, just imagine if, say in November, a critically thinking MP stood up in Parliament and said something like this, after Israel has conceivably obliterated Gaza:
“All right. Enough. Hamas went too far. But, after Israel’s (‘recent’) ruthless reaction of turning Gaza into a slaughterhouse, with almost no survivors or exceptions, one has to ask oneself whether by complying with new ‘laws and regulations’ about what we may, or may not, say or do in support of the victims of the 60 years of merciless oppression inflicted upon them, are we not actually thereby becoming effectively a mere appendage of Israel?
Are we to be compelled automatically to support anything which Israel does, however appalling?”
Pandemonium would of course break out in Parliament, and the entire machinery of wokeness, which Keir Sturmbannfuehrer evoked to get rid of non-woke Corbyn and his supporters, would once again grind into action.
All of which shows one more time how our politicians are always more than happy to go their own sweet, woke way in all matters, regardless of the views of intelligent, informed and compassionate citizens in their own country.
It has been said often enough, but we need to have in mind that they do not represent us any more.
They listen to the voices of others…
“People will believe what the media tells them they believe”, George Orwell.
The politicians are dependent on MSM and their media profile because of their voters stupidity.
No matter how honest and hard working a politician is, he/she is out the moment MSM make a smear campaign about him/her. They will never reach the majority.
Trump had to throw bombs in the desert and empty houses to keep his polls 10% up and make the bloodthirsty “people” satisfied.
Maybe it’s time to let the politicians go (politely-said), and figure out a different political playing field?
Communism is where the gvt fears its citizens, democracy is where the people fear its gvt. Just look at the incarceration rate for one proof of this.
Except that, as practised, Communism doesn’t work that way…
Well they have demanded and obtained freedoms from their gvt which are not present in the western world, and that came from the people, not the gvt.
Here you would simply be put in jail until you towed the gvt line.
Blood Curdling
The media is attempting to outdo their own convid performance. The baseness, the inhumanity, the utter sickening unashamed dishonesty. The political puppets are comparable in their moral depravity. There are others who are evil as well. I heard a performance from a Christian Zionist in front of his filthy following that was bloodcurdling in it’s unabashedly genocidal sentiment. As I assess things it appears to me that the three monotheisms are actually forms of atheism with a common agenda. An agenda that favours the core ethnicity at the cost of the others.
Shahak — Yiddish History, Yiddish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
Shahak — Yiddish History, Yiddish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
“Millenarianism” (n). Highly contagious. Spread by the media (msm and ‘alt’). May have escaped from A Lab…Some Experts call it Chicken Little Disease – which suggests a zoonotic origin…There’s a lot of it around…Experts recommend wearing blindfolds and earplugs be mandated for individual protection and to stop the spread…(anon)…
oh right…..its cognitive dissonance, or is it….brain fog? No wait, wait….it’s just stupefied malalignment 2. A condition in which the two ends of a fractured bone are poorly located in relation to each other.
Seems that when trying to reclaim parts of your land occupied by others it’s called ‘invading another country ?
Seems that when you detain some of those trespassing on your land they are called ‘hostages’ ?